Saturday, November 29, 2008

7 Healthy Foods

7 Healthy Foods

Writen by Beverly Terhune

Some foods seem to have it all. They're nutritious; they also contain lots of vitamins and minerals, and have great taste. The internet and other media forms sing their praises and urge us to eat our fill. Since none of these super foods come with disclaimers, here's the flip side of seven extremely touted highly-nutritious foods.
1. Garlic
One to three cloves of garlic daily can help lower cholesterol and protect against cancers of the stomach, prostate and colon. Garlic's antibacterial and antifungal properties also boost the immune system. But before you start popping cloves, realize that you must crush them to make their benefits available. The key healthful ingredient, allicin, only forms when exposed to air. So, when you cook with garlic let the crushed or chopped garlic stand for 10 minutes.
If you don't like to cook with garlic, find it difficult to digest, or cannot tolerate the odor - purchase a good quality odorless garlic supplement * make sure it contains allicin.

2. Leafy Greens.
Kale, collards, mustard greens, and spinach are supreme in the vegetable world. High in calcium, antioxidants, and the phytonutrient Lutein, leafy greens may help prevent cancers of the breast, colon, and prostate. A recent study also shows that Lutein may even help reverse macular degeneration. Of the four leafy green vegetables mentioned, kale contains the highest levels of antioxidants and contains the most easily absorbed calcium.
Spinach poses potentially painful problems. Though spinach is rich in potassium, its green leaves contain high levels of oxalate, which can contribute to kidney stones.
Also long journeys from field to table and warm temperatures can destroy up to half of the greens phytonutrients - so buy local-grown greens and eat them soon thereafter.
3. Salmon.
High in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, salmon may lower the risk of heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer's disease and depression. However 90 percent of the salmon eaten in the United States is farmed raised rather than wild. And it contains higher levels of polychlorinated biphenyls, a probable carcinogen. Farmed salmon is more likely to be raised in polluted water and the fish face diseases not typically found in wild stock. Try taking a quality brand of Omega 3 in capsule form, unless you can find wild salmon certified by the Marine's Stewardship council as sustainable harvested.
4. Olive Oil.
Two tablespoons of olive oil may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. A recent study also shows it may block the action of the Her-2 breast cancer gene.
To ensure that you receive all the benefits, make sure you buy the extra virgin - cold pressed olive oil rather than refined or light, both of which are treated with chemical solvents that destroy many of the oil's nutrients. Also choose oil in a dark container because light can damage the antioxidants.
When cooking with olive oil, avoid getting the pan so hot that the olive oil starts to smoke. Excessive heat ruins the oil's flavor and creates harmful byproducts such as trans fat.
5. Almonds.
The most nutrient dense of all the nuts, almonds pack a healing mix of vitamins, protein and monounsaturated fats. Exposure to air, heat and pesticides can make the healthy almond a shell of its former self. Buy only organic almonds in their shells and ideally, in hermetically sealed packaging. Keep them stored in a sealed container in a cool, dry, or shady place or in the refrigerator or freezer.
6. Tomatoes.
Tomatoes contain lycopene. This potent antioxidant may help prevent atherosclerosis and cancers of the prostate, breast and lungs. When buying tomatoes, choose the reddest you can find - yellow or orange varieties lack lycopene. Tomatoes should be treated like fruit, they contain a high amount of sugar, so do not mix with proteins.
7. Soy.
Although soy is said to decrease the risk of heart disease, eating soy may also protect against cancers of the uterus, colon, prostate, and breast. However, soy can trigger allergic reactions such as nasal congestion, asthma, fatigue and itching. Always choose organic soy and read the labels for sugar content.
Supplements of the Month:
Garlic - Super Odorless
Benefits of Garlic:
Prevent Cancer
Researchers have found that allicin, a chemical found in garlic that gives it its flavor, could be used to fight cancer. Take Your Vitamin* brand of garlic contains allicin. The natural chemical reaction that forms allicin, which occurs when the garlic is eaten or smashed, may penetrate and kill tumor cells.
Reduce Risk of Heart Disease
Several studies suggest that garlic has many beneficial effects on the heart.
Garlic may:
Lower total cholesterol
Lower LDL ("bad") cholesterol
Lower blood pressure
Help keep blood thin, reducing the risk of blood clots and stroke
Lower elevated serum levels of homocysteine, according to preliminary studies Fight Parasites and Viral Infections
Garlic works like a broad-spectrum antibiotic against bacteria, virus, and protozoa in the body. And unlike with antibiotics, no resistance can be built up so it is an absolutely safe product to use.
Antioxidant Effect
Garlic can have a powerful antioxidant effect in the body, which means it helps to protect against damaging free radicals.
Reduce Fungal Infections
Garlic’s anti-fungal properties are excellent for reducing fungal infections, such as yeast infections.
Avoid Insect Bites
People who eat garlic tend to get fewer bites from insects like ticks, according to research. It also likely applies to mosquitoes as well.
Oregano Oil
Benefits of Oregano Oil:
'Take Your Vitamins' brand of Oregano Oil has been used for . . .
Fighting yeast, fungus (skin and blood-born).
Knocking out allergies, hay fever, and sinusitis.
Stopping infections (cold and flu).
Oregano oil has been reported to possess significant antioxidant power
and stimulates the flow of bile, which greatly aids digestion.

Oregano oil is natures natural antiseptic. It was used to sterilize pre-operative instruments until 1950.
It has been used as an anti-viral, anti-fungal, (yeast and candida problems), anti-microbial, and an anti-tissue agent, meaning it halts coughs and eases spasticity of the lung tubules.
Oregano oil has also been used as a mucolytic, (it helps thin mobilized mucous), anti-spasmodic, (eases tightness and spasms of muscles, and anti-parasitic.
Monthly Health Tip Newsletter: Issue No. 20510 - October, 2005
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As with any vitamin or supplement, please consult your doctor before taking. Author Beverly Terhune speaks from 35 years of living with Rheumatoid Arthritis and shares her experience, strength & hope on how to lead a healthy, substance-free life.

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Friday, November 28, 2008

Home Gyms with Free Weights

Home Gyms with Free Weights

Writen by Gary Gresham

Having your own home gym with free weights is not only convenient but gives you the freedom to work out anytime you want. You save time and money, have no costly gym fees, no driving time, and no child care is needed.

Having a home gym with free weights and a machine for aerobic activity is the perfect combination for your home gym workout routine. Exercise and cardiovascular fitness are essential in a balanced fitness program.

It's important to include stretching and resistance to help build and tone muscles, burn fat and help prevent injury. Variety is the key to enjoying and keeping you motivated for a successful exercise workout program.

Setting goals that are realistic can be a huge motivating factor in sticking to your home gym workout routine. These goals keep your mind focused on the rewards you will see and feel.

Once you start your exercise workout program and experience good results, you will become even more dedicated to achieving your goals. When beginning an exercise program here are a few important things to consider:

1. Decide how many times a week you are willing to dedicate yourself to this exercise workout program. For any real benefits to occur, your home gym workout routine should be done at least 3 to 4 times a week. It is also important to set aside a couple of days each week for complete rest.

2. How much time do you plan on dedicating to your exercise program each exercise day? It's best to start slow and gradually work up as you get more fit. Aim for 30 to 60 minutes a day on the days you exercise depending on your fitness level.

3. Remember to change your exercise and cardiovascular fitness program every few weeks. That's because your body will adjust to the same routine and your workout won't be as effective without the change. Variety is a key element for keeping your motivation going and the boredom at a minimum.

Exercise and good aerobic workouts can provide you with a lifetime of good health. According to a study in 2004, more Americans are now participating in fitness activities to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

If your goal is having a toned body with more strength and flexibility, aerobic activity combined with a home gym with free weights is a great way to achieve it.

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This article is supplied by where you will find valuable information, ratings, reviews, articles and buying tips before you make the investment in quality fitness equipment. For more fitness related articles go to:

Thursday, November 27, 2008

High Blood Pressure Causes

High Blood Pressure Causes

Writen by Mike Herman

Though the cause of high blood pressure, in the majority of cases, is unknown. This type of high blood pressure is known as "primary or essential hypertension" and ninety five percent of sufferers, more than 70 million Americans, have "primary or essential Hypertension".

Normal blood pressure has a reading below 120/80. Blood pressure between 120/80 and 139/89 is referred to as "pre-hypertension". High blood pressure has a reading of 140/90 or above.

Fortunately some of the contributing factors to high blood pressure are known.

Arteriosclerosis is the hardening of plaque along the walls of the arteries is one contributing factor. Another is the thickening of the artery wall and yet another contributing factor for high blood pressure is small arteries.

The other causes are not a single underlying problem but a combination of various factors that have been concluded to be the causes of high blood pressure include:

* Excess alcohol - Alcohol also plays a direct part in your blood pressure. It has been found in several studies, that the higher the alcohol consumption, the higher the blood pressure. However similar studies have also shown that moderate drinkers appear to have a lower blood pressure than non drinkers.

Moderation is the key.

* Excess salt - There is little doubt that salt intake has a direct effect on blood pressure. Both this and the ingestion of dietary potassium have been found to have adverse effects on a person's health.

High salt intake is considered to be anything more than 5.8 grams per day.

* Diet and Being Overweight - Obesity is another major problem. Overweight people are more liable to have a higher blood pressure than their slim counterpart. The heart and other vital organs have to work harder which leads to added strain.

* Stress - At work or home.

The two most important and affecting factors are high salt intake and genetic tendencies. The first is easily controlled, for the second, diligent monitoring is key.

The only true way of ascertaining whether you have high blood pressure or not is by having it checked by a doctor or even self monitored at home. This is a an easy procedure and every adult should have their blood pressure taken at least on an annual basis if not more often.

Secondary Hypertension

There are a few cases of high blood pressure in which the underlying problem from which it stems is known. This type of high blood pressure is known as 'secondary hypertension'.

Secondary hypertension is said to be caused by kidney abnormality, a tumor or tumors in the adrenal gland, or a congenital defect of the aorta. Treating the underlying cause will usually return the blood pressure back to normal.

Unfortunately of all high blood pressure patients only five percent of people with high blood pressure have 'secondary hypertension'

Adopting healthy lifestyle habits is an essential and effective in both preventing and controlling high blood pressure. Lifestyle changes alone, however, may not be enough it may be necessary to take blood pressure medications.

Learn More About The Symptoms of High Blood Pressure and Lowering High Blood Pressure

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Herbs for Women

Herbs for Women

Writen by Nicole Bandes

The other day, I had a female customer bring in her bag of supplements. It was a rather large bag and we started to go through each bottle and what she was using it for. We came across one bottle that she wasn’t sure why she was taking it. I wasn’t really surprised when she said she didn’t know if it was doing her any good since the bottle was an herbal formula designed to support men’s prostate health. Without mentioning the purpose of the product, I asked why she decided to start taking it. She said it was because her uncle said how much good it was doing for him!

It can be difficult to wade through all the herbs that are out there. What ones are good for what and when are they beneficial. It becomes even more complex when we throw all the different herbal formulas and vitamins into the mix. If you are going to use more than one or two natural health products, it is important that you do your own research on each product and the individual ingredients or you consult a natural health coach that can guide you through the process of deciding what to take and how to take it. Of course, even if you do use the service of a trained guide, it is wise to never let anyone be your sole source of information. Whether herbs or drugs, be sure to have a clear understanding of why you are taking what you are and how it may help or hurt you.

For those that would like to learn more about the various natural health supplements, here is a beginner’s guide to herbs for women.

Bayberry – Bayberry may be beneficial to help ease excessive menstrual bleeding.

Black Cohosh – The estrogenic effects of black cohosh have given it a reputation as being beneficial for hot flashes and other pre-menopausal concerns. It may also be beneficial during childbirth to stimulate contractions, help control hemorrhaging and afterbirth pains. This herb should not be used except in the last 4 to 6 weeks of pregnancy and only under the guidance of an experienced midwife or doctor as it may cause damage to the unborn fetus.

Blessed Thistle – This herb, similar to Milk Thistle, is generally used to strengthen the liver. However the benefits to women include balancing hormones, enriching breast milk, reducing breast inflammation and unclogging milk ducts.

Blue Cohosh – Blue Cohosh stimulates uterine contractions and relaxes muscle spasms making it beneficial during childbirth. This herb should not be used except in the last 6 weeks of pregnancy and only under the guidance of an experienced midwife or doctor as it may cause damage to the unborn fetus.

Dong Quai – This Chinese herb has been used extensively in Chinese medicine to treat female concerns. It is a general tonic, meaning that it is good for several different female conditions including PMS, regulation of menses and infertility.

False Unicorn – Historically, False Unicorn has been used to stop a pending miscarriage.

Ginger – This herb is commonly used for digestive disturbances and may be beneficial for morning sickness during pregnancy.

Maca – Beneficial for men and women, this herb has been used to increase sexual desire.

Parsley – When it is time to wean your little one from breast feeding, parsley can be used to dry up the breast milk.

Red Raspberry – Rich in manganese, this herb can be used to tone and strengthen the uterus and regulate the female organs. Extremely beneficial for teenage girls and their families during this rollercoaster phase of emotions.

Many of these herbs have been used for centuries to support female health. While there may not be scientific research to support their use, they are generally considered safe when used as directed. Due to the state of our health care system, it is now important to begin taking on the role of being our own.

Nicole Bandes is a Certified Herb Specialist that has been helping others to regain their health and vitality since 1999. Nicole uses and recommends Nature’s Sunshine Products for her family and friends. Read more articles by Nicole at

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Herbal Treatment For Acne

Herbal Treatment For Acne

Writen by Paul Cris

Herbal treatment is termed as ‘alternative’ medicine and this branch of herbal science will always remain evergreen. It is renowned worldwide for treating such patients who do not respond to any other form of treatment. It is mostly suited for adults.

Most of the practitioners have disregarded the importance of healthy diet to build a healthy skin texture (with the exception of food allergies). Diet lacking necessary supplements will not affect the skin quality in any way. But if you want to tone your skin and make it healthy, then fatty acid foods are essential. Efa’s are commonly found in the form of flax, oil supplements, along with a diet rich in fiber.

A multivitamin treatment also plays a vital role, but mega doses should not be taken unless prescribed by a reputed health practitioner. Most of the people know Vitamin A is an essential nutrient for healthy skin, but only a few are aware that excessive dosages can lead to a liver damage.

Besides, there are many remedies that enter into the market. Some of them are highly priced but do not work effectively. It would be wise if one chooses the right treatment, especially those that are the extracts from natural sources. There are few treatments that are popular since ages such as the use of tree oils, neem soap, tea tree oil etc. Lavender and chamomile are meant for producing ‘calming’ effect. Besides you can read different books on herbal sciences where you can study various means of treatment. If you wish to change your eating habits you can call upon a physician and adhere to his or her suggestions.

Paul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To learn more visit